I got a present connected with my newly painted
room. ;-) A plant! Yes, there is finally something alive other than myself in
my room. Does this means that I’m an adult now? Will see… if it survives. ;-)
Dostałam prezent w związku z malowaniem w moim pokoju. ;-) Roślinkę! Tak, w końcu w moim pokoju pojawiło się jeszcze coś żywego oprócz mnie samej. Czy to oznacza, że jestem teraz dorosła? Okaże się... jeśli roślinka przeżyje. ;-)
I think I failed at being an adult...we don't have any plants in our apartment. Granted, I've managed to keep both the dog and the child alive but, you know, it's not a plant. I kill those for some reason (unintentionally, of course).
OdpowiedzUsuńOh well. I think I'm still an adult :)
LOL - Touché. I'm rather good with dogs and children too. Killed a guinea pig once though. By accident.